Salma Hayek, the renowned actress, fearlessly shared a tutorial with her 28.2 million followers on Tuesday, even after a wardrobe malfunction occurred. In the video, where she provided tips on concealing grey hair, Hayek, seated in a salon chair, inadvertently exposed her bare breasts as the front of her robe separated while adjusting her hair.
The unexpected nip slip happened precisely as she discussed covering her grey hair, exclaiming, “how can you cover it sometimes.”
Acknowledging the incident, Hayek opted to blur the exposure before sharing the tutorial, turning it into a lighthearted moment of “covering it.”
Despite the possibility of reshooting the video, Hayek boldly decided to embrace the candidness of the moment.
Not only did she blur the nip slips, but she also continued narrating the tutorial without missing a beat, seemingly unfazed by the wardrobe malfunction.
Hayek, nonchalantly adjusting her white robe to close the gap, proceeded with the tutorial, surprising fans with not just one, but three blurred nip slips.
Contrary to expectations, none of these slips were edited out,
showcasing Hayek’s authenticity and willingness to share the unfiltered content with her audience.
Fans flooded the comment section on her Instagram account, expressing admiration for her grey hair and complimenting her beauty.
Despite the unexpected wardrobe malfunction, the response from followers focused more on the tutorial and Hayek’s grace in handling the situation.