In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Kevin Costner, renowned for his role as John Dutton in the hit series “Yellowstone,” indicated his willingness to explore future projects with the show’s creator, Taylor Sheridan. While the fifth season of “Yellowstone” is set to conclude in November, a spinoff titled “2024” is scheduled to debut in December, albeit without Costner’s involvement.
Costner discussed his ongoing relationship with Sheridan and his potential involvement in upcoming projects. Despite the impending conclusion of “Yellowstone,” Costner revealed that he and Sheridan have not yet discussed the final episodes of the series.
However, he expressed eagerness to collaborate with Sheridan again, highlighting Sheridan’s versatility and prolific nature in his work.
Costner emphasized their shared interests and the possibility of working together on projects beyond “Yellowstone.” He acknowledged Sheridan’s affinity for compelling subjects, expressing enthusiasm for potential future collaborations. While the fate of “Yellowstone” remains uncertain, Costner’s remarks suggest an openness to continuing the series or exploring new ventures with Sheridan, contingent upon Sheridan’s plans and creative direction.