Democratic Presidential Hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Criticizes COVID-19 Lockdowns in Fox News Town Hall

In a recent Tuesday town hall on Fox News, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a candidate running for the Democratic presidential nomination, expressed his strong opposition to the COVID-19 lockdowns.

During the discussion with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Kennedy Jr. pointed out that he believes the United States is not operating within a genuine free market capitalist system. He further emphasized his concern that the middle class is being taken advantage of in the current economic setup.

“We don’t have free market capitalism in this country. We have corporate, crony capitalism. We have a system of cushy, socialism for the super-rich, and it is brutal, savage, merciless capitalism for the poor. And it’s all designed to strip the middle class of this country of all of their equity, all of their assets, and move it to the upper-echelons,” he said.

He argued that the covid lockdowns represented a “final straw” and that the pandemic created “a billionaire a day.” He blamed both former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden for the “500 days of lockdowns.”

“We moved $4 trillion from the American middle class to the super rich. The people who came into the lockdown with a billion dollars increased their wealth, on average, by 30%” RFK Jr. added. “We closed 3.3 million businesses.”

CNN reported in May 2022, that a new billionaire was created everyday during the pandemic. Billionaires enjoyed a wealth increase from $3.8 trillion to $12.7 trillion, or 42%, during the pandemic, the outlet reported.

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