Congressmen Jim Jordan and Democratic Representative Clash Over Speaking Time, Accusations of Demeaning Behavior Emerge

House Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan and Democratic Texas Rep. Sylvia Garcia repeatedly interrupted each other during a Thursday subcommittee hearing.

The House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s Thursday hearing has repeatedly devolved into interruptions and shouting. Garcia, a third-term congresswoman from Houston, attempted to continue questioning witness Garret O’Boyle after her five-minute round expired.

“Just this last February, whistleblowers who have been fired by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in retaliation for accusing him of crimes came to a settlement with the attorney general…,” Garcia said before Jordan announced her time expired.

“As you can see back here,” Garcia continued as Jordan banged his gavel, “he had to settle for $3.3 million because…”

Jordan then attempted to turn to Republican California Rep. Darrell Issa for his five minutes. However, Garcia continued to speak.

“Gentlelady, this is my time. I’ve been recognized. Thank you,” Issa cut her off.

After Issa, a former Oversight Committee chairman, finished questioning O’Boyle about his whistleblower disclosure, Jordan turned back to Garcia.

“Someone needs to tell the Democrats you came and talked to this committee because you’re a whistleblower. Isn’t that right Mr. Leavitt? That’s exactly how it works,” Jordan asked Empower Oversight president Tristan Leavitt. “We need to educate the members on the other side of the dais here.”

“I don’t need educating,” Garcia shot back. “I’m educated. Mr. Chairman, I did not need to be demeaned. I am a lawyer, just like this gentleman is. I too have read the law. We just have a big difference of opinion…”

“The time belongs to me. Mr. Leavitt has been asked a question,” Jordan interrupted.

Earlier in the hearing, Jordan and Democratic California Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz argued over whether or not two witnesses are technically whistleblowers. Democrats on the committee have contended that the FBI agents who have made disclosures to the committee do not deserve whistleblower protections.

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